Capella professional 2008 is a comprehensive music notation program that will help you not only to write and print your personal compositions, but also to edit and transpose already existing sheet music. Designed for all type of users, it is equally enjoyed by amateur and professional users, offering an intuitive and yet completely full-featured interface.
This complete tool has been conceived to cover the needs of any musician from the composition stages to the final layout and export of the score. You can enter your notes directly from the keyboard of your PC, or use its intuitive and fully-customizable mouse piano, or use your own keyboard combined with its MIDI capabilities. The editing possibilities are endless, with a wide range of both automated tasks (bar lines, chord symbols, part extraction, etc.) and manual editing capabilities, being equally useful for simple standard layouts and for the most complicated and personal music scores.
Though it shares with capella 1200 a similar look and feel, this professional version does not suffer from the limitations of its sister application (limited number of voices, staves per system, undo and redo steps, etc.), and, what is more important, includes dozens of new features that are only available in this version. Thus, its MusicXML support (both import and export) gives you full compatibility with other high-end music notation programs such as Finale and Sibelus. Besides, its exclusive HTML-export functionality will allow you to create your own web pages easily and intuitively, with both your complete professional-looking score and a convenient MIDI player. This professional version also offers you complete guitar tablature functionality, as well as a useful fret wizard to help you transpose your music to a different key with most string instruments. Finally, with capella professional 2008 advanced users have the possibility of creating their own plug-ins and scripts to enhance its already extensive functionality.